31. What if?
Great to be talking to you again today. I love adventures with Doug and the Dragster gang. What has been your favourite adventure so far? Do you like dreaming up strange adventures that get your pistons fired up Have you ever created an adventure game where you try to imagine the impossible? What kind of impossibility would be challenging to you and still fun?
Doug and I like to play the “What if…” game. You may want to try it with your family or one of your online friends. It goes like this.
“What if ….. (now you add the situation) the sun appeared green tomorrow?” (Then you each give your answers.)

“What if….the teachers everywhere quit teaching and became astronauts?”
“What if….your dog started talking to you and telling you what to do?”
“What if….the wind blew all the leaves and foliage off the trees every time it rained?”
“What if….every biscuit you took a bite from, suddenly changed into broccoli?”
“What if….all the people every where were only one meter tall?”
“What if….all the animals in the zoo started talking about the visitors?”
You can make up your own “What if” questions. Try it and see if you can have fun with crazy thinking.