Doug Dragster says, ‘Welcome to our family fun time. We dragsters love to have fun’.

Keeping Safe: ‘Just like we have road rules to keep safe it’s great to have rules for playing safe, so we don’t have crashes.

Here is my poster.

Open and Dead End Road Poster
Download Open and Dead End Poster

You can print it out and put it on the wall to remind everyone to stick to the Open Roads. We dragsters travel on the Open Roads to get happier and we keep off the Dead End Roads.’

Print out our Open Road colouring pages to decorate and stick on your notice board to help you get happier.

Open Road Colouring Pages

‘Who wants to be unhappy? Not Me!’ 

I help myself feel fantastic by saying the words on the posters to myself every day. I tell my brain what I want to think and I keep on the Open roads.

Can your family agree to try and keep on the Open roads? If you slip off onto a Dead End Road, don’t be discouraged, just apologize and move onto an Open road.

Doug ask, Who wants to be unhappy? Not me!

Let’s look at the ACCEPTING Open road.

  • Ask, ‘What are two things you like about yourself?’ and go around the family, with you sharing first.
  • Ask  ‘What do you like about each family member?’
  • Ask  ‘What is one thing you can do this week to show appreciation of each other?’
  • Say, ‘Let’s colour or decorate the ‘Accepting’ poster, or draw a family portrait’
Download the Accepting Road colouring page