34. Travelling the Open Roads

Hi gang! I wonder if you are having trouble staying on the open roads? I seem to choose too many dead-end roads. My friends are trying to help me, and I appreciate all their help. If you have a dead-end road that you want to avoid, maybe you can do what Daisy suggested for me, and pick one of the open roads to concentrate on every day for a week. That seemed to help me.

Which open road would you like to focus on this week? I am going to choose the accepting road because I have been thinking that this stay at home restriction is going on too long. I want to concentrate on the accepting road by thinking about the bigger issue of everyone staying healthy. I accept that when we were all staying safe at home, the number of Covid-19 cases are levelling-off and even going down. Now I hear that cars are going out more and the cases are rising.

I am choosing to accept the warnings about wearing masks and social distancing. I want to make my community safe.

Here are the open roads again for you to consider.

What open road will you choose to focus on this week? Will it help you to be happier if you decide that you want to stay on that open road? Try it and see. Let me know how it goes.