Get Happier School Program News
Mental Health in Schools
![Mental Health in Schools](
In a recent 4-day workshop with the leadership group at Crest Secondary School in Singapore, we explored the mindsets and mottos that we use to create a happy life.
Let me share some of these affirmations with you.
Each one is inspiring and provides a mindset which creates a happy and effective school community.
Reflect on each one for one minute, and you will be inspired too! Then, create your own life motto and put it on your phone or computer screen to remind yourself.
- I celebrate what’s right with the world
- I enjoy every moment
- I feel good, think good, do good
- I see the good in every situation
- I experience the richness of life and do my best
- Everything in life is temporary: keep breathing!
- Do or do not: there is no try
- Be content: spend and enjoy within your means
- I fulfil my responsibilities while having fun
- Growing happily together
- I am in charge of how I feel, and I choose to be positive
- I enjoy my family and I support others along the way
- Make the world a better place through kindness, competence, purpose and love
- Think positively and act responsibly
- Take things slow, prioritize and enjoy the process
- All things shall pass. Learn from them and hang on
- I am making a difference to those who pass by
- You are not what you say: you are what you do
- We have enough, I’m good enough, and that’s OK
The founder of Choice Theory/Reality Therapy, Dr Glasser, reminds us that when we learn that we have choices, choosing misery also becomes a choice. That is why we teach our children the empowering Get Happier psychology of choice, and the mindsets to create a happy, resilient and responsible life.
![It is almost impossible for anyone, to continue to choose misery after becoming aware that it is a choice.](