Open Road Thoughts to Get Happier Cards

Welcome to our new powerful set of affirmation and problem-solving cards.

The Open Road Thoughts to Get Happier Cards contain the growth mindsets and
affirmations that increase happiness, resilience and wellbeing, and
improve relationships.

Includes 10 cards and simple to use instructional guide.

Life=Choices; Choices=Life Interview

In this latest podcast, Ivan shares about how the  Get Happier School is addressing the epidemic of mental ill health in our schools and community. He talks with Kim Olver on the Life Equals Choices  podcast  in Chicago.

Sharing the road with school, family and friends

We have created a new section of the Get Happier website that will allow schools to share their unique applications of the Get Happier system with students, staff, parents and other schools.
This is an excellent opportunity to share with parents and stakeholders the value of the program for your school and to show what your school is doing to support the mental health of your students, while showcasing your practice in developing a positive school culture.
The new ‘My School Snapshots’ section of the Subscriber Area will enable you to share your school activities by creating ‘Snapshot Posts’ you can publish to the website. You can post photos, videos and information on your unique applications of the Get Happier system with students, staff, parents and other schools.
This will also reinforce student learning and engagement with the project, and enable family and friends to appreciate and learn about the great work that you do.
We hope that it will also promote new and innovative ideas from within the Get Happier Schools community. To help get the most from the Subscriber Area, we have created an easy-to-follow Subscriber Area video providing an overview of the Subscriber Area and how to use it. This video also explains how you can easily understand and manage your school’s subscription and the extensive digital resources you have at your disposal.
All you need to do is to access the Subscriber Area on the website, and the explanatory 10-minute video will appear. Following the simple directions will have you mastering the new functionality quickly.
Note: The Get Happier Website will be offline for a short while over next weekend, 20-21 March for updates and the new Subscriber Area functionality will be available as of Monday 22 March (EST). You will be notified by email when the updates are available.
I am looking forward to continuing to support you in the task of helping your families and students develop the skills for thriving in the 21st century.

New Community Forum on the GHS website

As of Monday 22 March (EST), the Subscriber Area will be expanded to enable you to:

  • Create your user(school) profile
  • Manage your subscription account
  • Access and download your school guides and resources
  • Access training videos
  • Create School Snapshot Posts
  • Get subscriber update notifications

The GHP team is committed to helping schools get the most from the Schools Program by:

  • Helping schools connect to their local community
  • Developing connections between the Get Happier Schools Community of schools
  • Supporting schools to develop and run their programs.

The expansion of the Subscriber Area with the School Snapshot community forum is the first step to providing an information repository for the Get Happier Project to help schools get the most from the Get Happier Schools Program.

What’s happening in our school

A description of the Get Happier School project, its origins and purpose, and feedback from schools.

Video of a recent workshop I just completed at the 2021 William Glasser International Global Symposium. It explains the Get Happier School, its rationale and its origins. You and your staff may find this a helpful introduction to your Get Happier Schools curriculum.

Presentation from 2021 William Glasser International Global Symposium