Overseas visit to Mudgeeraba State Special School

From the Mudgeeraba facebook post:

Welcome to Mr Seet Tait Hee, Principal of the Crest Secondary School in Singapore. He is visiting some of our Australian Get Happier Schools this week to explore and understand how the Get Happier Project and Choice Theory is used to support the social and emotional wellbeing of our students and staff. It was wonderful to share the work that our school community is doing, and the generous feedback we received was affirming and heart-warming.

“What is most evident in the classroom is seeing the joy in every child and the love, care and nurturing disposition of each of your teachers who gives their 101% attention to every child.”
We thank Mr Seet Tait Hee for choosing to visit our school and wish him a safe, productive and enjoyable trip in Australia.

Linking the Get Happier curriculum to Classroom Management at Glendore Public School

Scroll through this fabulous summary  from Glendore Public School to see the clever adaptation 🙂 They use the workshop and pitstop metaphors for ‘working things out!’


At Glendore Public School, we utilise a range of teaching and behaviour management approaches and practices aimed at building positive behaviour and learning environments, while reducing the occurrence of challenging and unsafe behaviours through proactive and preventive approaches and providing better options for managing challenging behaviours when they do occur.  Our school wellbeing approach is underpinned by William Glasser’s Choice Theory and the ‘Happier Schools Project’.  Choice Theory is based around meeting the five basic human needs: Love, Fun, Freedom, Survival and Power. For further information about the program strategies please view the following resources:-

During our weekly Happier School’s lessons, students learn about travelling on Open Roads or Dead End Roads.


The Open Roads are connecting habits which are based on a mindset that focuses on controlling ourselves rather than controlling others.  Open Roads help us to be happy and in control of our choices.


Dead End Roads are disconnecting habits which can be harmful when used for too long or too often.  It’s natural for all people to find themselves choosing these habits when things don’t go to plan.


When students find themselves travelling on Dead End Roads, they are encouraged to consider the following questions to assist them with moving back to an Open Road:

  1. What do you want?
  2. What are you doing?
  3. Is what you’re doing working?
  4. What are your options?
  5. What is your plan?

Students can also use the ‘Magic Tool Box Questions’ as a further strategy when things aren’t going as planned or perceived.

To assist with student choice regulation, all Teachers utilise the ‘What car are you driving’ system in their classroom/learning environment.

At times, students may be requested to attend Pit Stop and Workshop to resolve incidents and develop proactive plans to reduce further incidents. To ensure learning time is not impacted, Pit Stop and Workshop run at lunch and recess breaks.


Students who attend ‘Pit Stop’ are there so teachers and executive staff can investigate the incident.

It is a time for students to talk to an adult about what happened and to discuss the incident and their feelings.

Witnesses are also asked to attend ‘Pit Stop’ so teachers know the whole incident.


Students who attend ‘Work Shop’ are there to reflect on the incident and work out what went wrong.

Students work with a teacher to make a plan with strategies to help them on the playground to deal with all situations.

For Parents

This has been a best seller for many years now and has great reviews! www.gethappier.net

The New Mindfulness Resource: www.gethappier.net

How to switch of from the stresses of life, and remind yourself of a happier and more peaceful choice! For everyone in the Get Happier School and beyond!