Two Progressive School Principals at ConnectED 24, Hunter Valley

At the recent ConnectED conference in the Hunter Valley, we were delighted to spend time with principals  from our Get Happier schools in the area. Mr Jes Zammit from Gorokan Public School leads a wonderful staff, adapting the images and ideas to build sustainable well-being practices right across the school. Thank you Jes for the great work you and your team are doing 🙂 This is a great school to visit.

The research presented by speakers at this conference made it abundantly clear that no school can operate effectively without an SEL program.

Increasing Resilience in Children and Enhancing your Classroom Culture with Music: Songs for Travelling on the Open Roads

We have been singing these songs all week! Songs for Travelling on the Open Roads, composed by our music director, Kim Burns, are easy to play on guitar or ukulele, or you can join on the singalong videos with Kim!

This captivating set of seven singalong songs are key part of teaching the mindsets and skills for well-being for children in the Get Happier School program. However, any teacher or parent will find these songs incredibly valuable both in the classroom and at home.

Available from next week at


Choice Theory Certification at a Get Happier School!

I had a great week conducting a Certification with a group of wonderful teachers from three Get Happier schools. This was the culmination of years of learning, self evaluation, and practice. Congratulations to this group whose skill and creativity was on show, and who demonstrated high-level teaching, counselling, and managing skills. We were privileged to visit classrooms to see at first hand how the children were loving learning the skills to get happier. The signage around the schools provided a wonderful visual backdrop to support quality relationships and learning outcomes. A special thanks to Everton Park State School in Brisbane, where teachers, children, and parents are supported to get the best out of their lives.

Fun Learning about the Accepting Road: At Achievement Charter Academy, USA :-)

Ms. Davis\’s class started an exciting lesson series called Open Roads, and the first topic is \”Accepting\”. Her students talk every day about accepting yourself, your mistakes, others, and what others bring to the table! One student is Persian and they celebrate Nowruz which is the welcoming of Spring and a fresh start to the world! Students loved learning about each other through these unique and personal experiences!

Get Happier at DOXA for 16-18 year olds

A great curriculum adaptation from Ruth King for secondary school students. Congratulations, Ruth as you prepare young people for life!