Ride with Daisy as Uncle Diesel helps her to solve a problem using the magic questions in this interactive story book.
You can use these questions to make your car go faster too!
Just go to the Kid\’s Dragtrack on this website!
Ride with Daisy as Uncle Diesel helps her to solve a problem using the magic questions in this interactive story book.
You can use these questions to make your car go faster too!
Just go to the Kid\’s Dragtrack on this website!
Gorokan Public School takes happiness seriously through the creativity of classroom teachers as they adapt the Get Happier resources everywhere!
All teachers implement the fun \’Get Happier\’ Curriculum for one hour per week during the 7 years of schooling, using art, music and discussion to engage the students and parents alike.
These random images from around the school demonstrate the committment of the team to help their students and community internalise the skills to create a great life!
An October visit and workshop at one of our Get Happier Schools in Queensland.
The workshop explored the links between Dr Glasser\’s \’Choice Theory\’ and the \’Get Happier Project\’.
It focussed on the importance of teaching children the psychology of mental health and wellbeing in an explicit and fun way.
Congratulations to this dedicated staff on your accreditation as a Glasser Quality School!
Last week, Lightning McQueen rolled into Mudgee Special School! It was a moment of pure excitement and joy for our students who caught a glimpse of their favourite animated character come to life! A special thank you to our Mudgee Family Member for generously providing such a memorable and fun experience for our students. KACHOW!