06: Your favourite song

You can see mine at the Kids dragtrack.

Have you ever composed some music or written words for a song? Make up a song today about getting happier.

Look at the RESPECTING Open road. 

Download Respecting Road colouring page

Talk about what it means to respect yourself and others .

Brainstorm 3 things we can do make our family a happier place by showing kindness to each other every day.

Then decorate the RESPECTING Open road poster.  You may get some ideas for your song from the words on the poster.

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05: Bored or sad?

I love to listen to music. Look at the Kids dragtrack for my favourite tunes and enjoy listening in. Make a list of your favourite music, listen to it and sing it every day. Bring your favourite music to the next family fun time.

I bet even when you are sad or disappointed, there are good things too.  Can you name three good things about today? Try it now. 




If this helped you to feel better, you can help your family feel happier too. Ask them to name three good things about being at home at dinner today.

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04: Time for a guessing game!

Animal, Vegetable or Mineral

One person thinks of an object that is either an animalmineral, or vegetable. This person tells the players which group it belongs to eg. it might be the animal group. The players then take turns asking questions.

The person thinking up the object can only answer with a YES or NO. eg. a question could be “Is it big?” or “Do we eat it?”

Listen to the questions the others ask to get the clues.

Sometimes in our games, we get into disagreements. When we disagree with someone else, that is perfectly fine.  But does it work when we blame, criticize or threaten? Look at the NEGOTIATING road poster.

Download the Negotiating Road colouring page
  1. Talk about a time when you worked out a problem without getting angry or upset
  2. What do you do to calm yourself down when you get angry?
  3. Decorate the NEGOTIATING Open road poster
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03: What do you want?

You will need: paper, coloured pens, maybe scissors, glue and magazines.

Create a collage or draw pictures that show what is most important to you. You can start with a picture or portrait of yourself in the middle.

Then draw pictures of the:

  • important people or pets in your life
  • your hobbies and interests (what you like to do in your spare time)
  • your plans for the future
  • your life motto.

When finished, put it up on a wall to remind yourself what is really important to you. You can keep adding to it as you discover new ways to get happier.

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02: Listening

Daisy says, Here are two fun games telling us how important it is to LISTEN (an Open road.)

  • Whispers – One player thinks of a word or phrase and whispers it to another player, who whispers it to someone else. The game continues until the word has been shared with everyone. The last person says the word, which is usually very different than the original one.
  • Add to the sentence – One person starts by saying the phrase, “I’m going to visit Grandma and I’m taking an…” and finishes the sentence with an item that starts with the letter A. The next person repeats the phrase and finishes the sentence with an item that begins with a B. The pattern continues with the rest of the alphabet.

Now it’s time to decorate the LISTENING Open road poster, and remind yourself how much you learn when you listen.

Download the Listening Road colouring page
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