Get Happier School Program News
Get Happier in ACTION! Student Project Update at MAGS

Student teams in Grades 5 and 6 have created a number of team projects to increase the happiness and wellbeing of students and staff. Examples have included fantastic art/mural creations on walls around the school depicting the Open and Dead End Roads, designing and creating an ongoing gardening and relaxation area, organisation of lunchtime and school discos, and a comprehensive recycling program across both upper and lower schools.

In their latest project as reported on the school facebook page, a team of Grade 6 students is spreading happiness and having a positive impact across their wider community. These senior primary students are participating in the ‘GET HAPPIER IN ACTION’ section of the program. They have been actively planning and working as a team to make meals to take to the local Foodbank which assists those in need. Students did a wonderful job creating fried rice, pumpkin soup, pasta, curries, biscuits and more. They also learned about project management, teamwork and that GREAT feeling that comes from helping others. Well done! Thanks to the great staff and students making a difference at Moama Anglican Grammar!